BRAHMANANDA PURANA – Devi vijaya yatra (Devi’s victory procession)

Later Lalita devi, making the noise emanating from the four oceans as the drums and accompanied with several other instruments proceeded for the battle against Bhandasura. From Lalitha devi‘s Ankusham (=spear), ‗Sampat karidevi‘, came out along with crores and crores of elephants and started following Lalita devi (sampatkarisamarudha sindhura vraja sevita). Sampatkari Devi was sitting on the elephant named ‗Ranakolahalam‘ (=battlebustle, battle uproar). From Lalita devi‘s Pasham (=whip) arose Ashwaroodha devi along with a big army of horses and was moving in front of Lalita devi.(ashwarudhadhishtishtaswa koti kotibhiravruta) . The horse carrying Ashwaroodha devi was named ‗Aparajitam‘ (=one whichcannot be defeated). Later , commander of the army Dandanatha devi played the drums to startmarching. As the march started Dandanatha devi got down from her chariot and sat down on the lion. The lion is named ‗Vajraghosham‘ (kirichakra ratha rudha damdanadhapuraskruta). All her soldiers started praising her by twelve different names. (Panchami dandanatha cha sakjeta samayeshwaritatha samaya sakjeta varahi potrini tathavartali cha maha sena pyajna chakreshwari tathaarighni cheti samproktam nama dwadasakam yune). Later Mantrini devi played the drums of marching. Her soldiers were mainly decorated sensuously. They were playing veenas and singing. Mantrini devi was moving in her Geyachakra ratha (circle of army formed by singers) [geyachakra ratha rudha mantrini parisevita). She was being praised by sixteen names. (Sangeeta yogini shyama shyamala mantra nayikamantrini sachiveshani pradhaneshi shukapriyavina vati vainiki cha mudrini priyakapriyanipapriya kadambeshi kadamba vanavasinisadamada cha namani shodashaitaini kumbhaja) One who recites this strotra can conquer all the three worlds.

Then, from the bird in the hands of Mantrini devi, appeared god Dhanurveda with a spectacular bow in his hand and said ―Mother! this bow is called chitrajeevam. This quiver is akshaya (=one which is unlimited, fills up spontaneously). Please accept them for demolishing the demons.‖ Now Lalita devi started moving with sugarcane, bow, arrows, spear and whip in the ‗srichakraraja‘chariot. She is being praised with 25 names – simhasanesi lalitha maharajni varankusha sundari chakranathacha samrajni chakrini rathachakreshwari mahadevi kameshi parameshwari kamaraja priyakamakotika chakravartini mahavidya shivananga vallabha sarvapatalakulanatha amnayanatha sarvamnaya nivasinishringara nayika cheti panchavimshati namabhih. One who recites this stotra attains ashta siddhi (8 spiritual accomplishments) Bandasura vadhodyukta shaktisena samanvita in Lalita sahasranama stotram means one who is ready with her army (shakti sena) to annihilate Bhandasura.

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