It has been mentioned in the sixteenth chapter of Viddyeshwar Samhita that all the desires of a man are completely fulfilled, if he worship even in earthen idol of Shiva. For making an idol of Shiva, clay should be acquired from the base of river, pond, well or any such other place. In this clay fragrant powder and milk should be added to make it into a paste. After the constructing of idol is complete, it should be worshipped by all the sixteen types of rituals Shodasopachar.
If the Shivalinga is constructed by somebody else, then three ‘sera’ of Naivedya should be offered to the deity, whereas if one himself has constructed the Shivalinga then the one-fourth of a ‘Sera’ should be offered.
If such an idol s worshipped for one thousand times, then it helps a devotee in attaining to the Satyaloka. Performing ‘abhishek’ of such an idol helps in self-purification, offering fragrance gives virtues, Naivedya increases the life span and worshipping it with ‘Dhoop’ gives wealth and prosperity respectively.
Worshipping the idol with a burning lamp gives knowledge to the devotee, whereas offering beetel leaves gives splendours.
A devotee who worships Lord Shiva in the Hindu month of Magh and on Krishna Chaturdashi achieves longevity of life. Both, worldly pleasures and salvation are achieved by worshipping Shiva.
Worshipping Shiva in the Hindu month of Kartik by going Japa, penance etc gives special fruits and the devotee becomes free from all kinds of diseases.
If a devotee worships lord Shiva on Sunday he becomes free from rebirth.