It is mentioned in the Ramayana that Rama came to know from Vasistha that Ravana was a Brahmin. To be relieved from the sin Lord Brahma kept his Kamandal (holy jug) upon the peak of the mountain and who went away the Satyaloka (heaven). It is be famed as HOLY KAMANDAL. So many penanced purificateries dwelled here and penanced themselves besides gaining their will powered desires. The same holy places and cylendrical image are shining brightly till today also.
The influence of infinite holy cylendrical imĀages is the origine of Gokarn which is described in detail in the mythological book of Gokama. Till today so many sages of purifications are coming over Gokarn for gaining spiritual purifications now so many unique sages are ever penancing under this peak of the same mountains. It seems that till today those unique sages are dipping billion times in holy water of Gokarna besides worshipping Lord Mahabala.
Rama came to Gokarn accompanied by Seeta and Laxmana on the pilgrimage Rama after creating a teertha performed penance to propitiate Mahadeva.
Being consequently free from the sin he returned after taking bath in the Kotiteertha and offering worship to shri Mahabaleshwar.
It is said that he who takes bath in the holy waters of Ramateertha and worships Rama at Ramanavami day reciting Ashtakshari Japa is to be freed from the sin of Brahma Hatya.