The shrine of Natasha is in the north east corner of the courtyard built-in a pillared verandah touching the eastern wall of the prakara. There are five pillars on each side and two in the front of this shrine. The pillars on the sides are plain but those in the front have one pillaret projecting. The shrine has an Antarala the outer side of whose walls is decorated with the series-two pilasters, sala- koshtha and two pilasters. The side walls of the Garbhagriha beyond are decorated with the series – three pilasters, sala-koshtha and three pilasters. The back wall contains a sala-koshtha between three pilasters on either side. There is a fine icon of Yoga-Narasimha inside the sanctum, sitting with the legs crossed and bound by the yoga-patta, holding sabkha and chakra in the two upper hands and keeping the two lower hands resting on the knees.
The earliest reference to this god who is popularly known as Alagiya-singar, is found in an inscription, dated 1469 A.D., which refers to an offering made to him (11-39). Another record mentions offerings made on the thirty days of the Dhanurmasa-puja, on Vasantapanchami and Sri Ramanavami days and on the 7th day of each of the Tirukkodi-tirunal (II-101). Another refers to offerÂings made on the Vasantapanchami day (113-11). Kandadai Ramanuja-! ayyangar provided for the tirumanjanam of this god and for offerings to be made to him on the Panguni-amavasya and Vasantapumima days (T. T. 70).