Passing through the entrance of this gopura, one enters the outer courtyard of the temple. Immediately adjacent to and touching the gopura is a small mantapa with two wings, one on each side, and a path-way in the centre. Each wing has two rows of four pillars each. The pillars in the outer row are plain and contain a Salakoshtha at the base. The pillars in the inner row contain an animal brackel having a lion with rider on, standing with its hind legs resting on a Makara. In the northern wing of this mantapa resting against the prakara wall are three metallic statues of Krishna Raya and his two queens, Tirumaladevi and Chinnadevi. In the southern wing are to be found a metallic statue of king and two stone figures of a king and his queen. From the style of the pillars, this mantapa may be taken to have built in the later Vijayanagara times, about the early half on the sixteenth century.
as Krishna, son of Devaki and Vasudeva, and brother of Rama and Subhadra. He asked for her hand. The attendant maidens of the princess got wild and pelted stones at the Lord. His horse was hit j by them and fell down dead. Srinivasa departed from their taking a northern direction.
The Lord returned to his abode in the ant-hill and lay down in great grief. Vakula, who attended upon him, appeased him by many I courtesies and found out that he fell in love with Padmavati. The I Lord asked her to go to Akasaraja and negotiate his marriage with I Padmavati. Even before Vakula could reach the king’s abode, he I himself went there in the disguise of a gipsy woman and persuaded I Akasaraja’s queen, Dharani, to give her daughter, Padmavati, in I marriage to Srinivasa. Padmavathi was also struck by love and was I pondering over the young man she had met in the flower garden. I When Vakula reached the king’s palace the ground was already J prepared and the marriage was settled. Srinivasa set out with all the 1 gods and goddesses as his relations and married Padmavati.