The Chieftains of this family, who governed part of Tondamandalam first as Chola subordinates, then as Pandya feudatories and subsequently as independent rulers, were ardent i li vt dees and patrons of Sri Venkatesvara. Vira Narasingadeva is the earliest member ofthis family to be connected with the temple of Tirumala. This chieftain gifted a village to the temple for the supply “line, vegetables and ghee every day. (1-44) Tirukalattideva, another member , assigned some land in the village of Avilala to the temple.
( 1-81 ) Virarakshasa Yadavaraya also granted some land. (1-82) The queen of Viranarasinga presented 64 cows and two bulls for setting up I wo perpetual lamps. (1-84) In the 40th year of the rule of Viranarasinga, a certain Tiruppullanidasar, a visiting pilgrim, obtained the ruler ’s permission and renovated the shrine of Sri Venkatesvara. ( 1-88) This chieftain performed the Tulabhara ceremony at Tirumala .uni made Venkatagiri equal to mount Mmr. (1-91). Another chieftain of this family,Tiruvenkatanatha, gifted a village as sarvamanyafor conducting the Adi-tirunal for the god. (1-99) His father-in-law .•nil mahapradhani, Singaya-dannayaka, instituted an offering nmned Sitakara-sandhi in the temple. (1-102) A record dated in tin third year of the rule of another member of this family, Sriranganatha, refers to flower gardens, mathams etc., on the hill and mentions the Hunting festival of Sri Venkatesvara. (1-104) Another record dated sixteen years later, mentions the metallic image, Malaikiniyaninra-perumal and his Nachchimar. (I-106) One more h i ord mentions the Vasantha festival. (1-113) Hobala Yadavaraya presented to the god an ornament for his )hand, obviously to the lowerright hand which is in the varada pose. (1-117)