In the west of the city there is an ancient Vaishnavism temple with beautiful sculptures. This temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu is older than the Meenakshi Temple.This temple is one of the 108Thirupathis.The Moolavar (presiding deity)is known by the name “Koodal Alagar” and the thana (mother)is known as” Maduravalli”.Periyalvar sang the holy’Thirupallandu” in the Kendal Agar temple in Madurai which is a praises of Lord Vishnu. Periyalvar’s loving daughter is Adal.
This temple is having rich architectural features of rare value. The structures made up of stones speak the astounding skill of the sculptures of the past Tamil country.
This temple is famous for its “Astana vimana” built over the sanctum Santorum.The Vimanam consists of three tries. In the ground floor of the Vimanamthe Lord is in the Asana (sitting) posture and in the Sthanaka (standing) and Sayana (reclining) postures respectively.