The spiritual persons compared Mahanandi Keshethra with the human body Kshethra means the body of a human. The Atman that exists in the heart is kshethrajnudu. The human body is Mahanandi Kshethra and the 25 synopsis (tatvas) in the body are the 25 porches surrounding the temple. They are
Jnanendhriyas (The senses of 5
Perception or the intellectual
Karmendriyas (The senses 5
of Action)
Pancha Bhutas (Elements) 5
Pancha Tanmatras (Vishayas) 5
(Ear, Skin, eye, tongue and nose)
(Vak, Pani, Pada, Payu, Upasthra)
(Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Sky)
(hearing, touch, sight, taste, smell)
Mahanandi Kshethra
Anthahkarana Chatustayam 4 The mind, the Buddhi,
(Internal organs) the chitta, the egoism.
Jeeva 1
Total 25
Especially the four internal organs (the mind, the Buddhi or the organ of apprehension the Chitta or heart of feeling and the egoism) are the four towers of the temple, ida and Pingala (the tubular organs of the body) are the two small ponds of the outside. The Sushumna tubular is the big pond (Rudra Gundam). The 21,600 sounds of the devotees who particupate in Rathotsava (the annual festival of a Hindu Temple when the God or Goddess is taken round in the chariot) are the Hamsa Japas (the breathings of a human) for 21,600 times. A man breathes 21,600 times a day exactly. The time (day, week and year) is fixed according to the human breathe.
Having bath in pond (shushumna tubular) who enters into the temple can find Siva Linga (Atma jyothi). It is to say that a practitioner (sadhaka) who could not succeed in his attenpt in facing with distress (distresses-mala, vikshepa and avarana) and goes on wandering here and there visits Mahanandi sees all these things and having Darsan of Siva can recollects his previous practice (sadhana). Without making any delay he continurs his pracitce (sadhana) again, attain the supreme blessings and reaches the destination.