After getting initiated with the Shiva mantra, a devotee should chant it for once crore times or fifty lakh times, or twenty lakh times or ten lakh times, while worshipping Shiva. ‘Havana’ should be performed for tenth part of the total chanting. ‘Tarpan’ should be performed for tenth part of the number of Havana. Similarly ‘Marjan’ should be performed for the tenth part of the numbers of Tarpan. The numbers of Brahmins selected for feeding should be equivalent to the tenth part of the numbers of Marjan.

At last the disciple should give donations to the brahmins and engage himself in the welfare of society as per the instructions of his Guru.
Asceticism (Nyas) are of three types – Sthiti (posture) Utpatti (origin) and Laya (fusion). Establishing and chanting the cryptic mantras (alphabets) from the thumb to the little finger is
called ‘Sthiti nyas’.

Establishing and then chanting the cryptic mantras from the right thumb to the left thumb is called “Utpatti nyas’.

Establishing and then chanting the cryptic mantras from the left thumb to the right thumb is called ‘Laya Nyas’.

‘Sthiti’ nyas should be practiced by the householders ‘Utpatti nyas’ should be practiced by the celibates ‘Laya nyas’ should be practiced by those people who have relinquished the world (Vanprasth).

A widow should practice Sthiti Nyas. An unmarried girl should practice Utapatti Nyas. These modes of Nyas should be practiced only after being taught by the Guru.

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