Once sage Narada decided to make a dana’ as the same was discussed in Brahmasabha. So he searched for a suitable land for the purpose but no where he got the land. As a result, he was in great grief and disappointed a lot. Somehow he learnt through sage Braghu.
The king of Malavaka. Dharmavarma, was tought about Daanyoga by sage Narada. So the king offered him ahisagar sangam kshetra. thereafter, he was in search of a proper person to receive, “Dana’ But Alas! he could no where get such a person. But he did not stop his efforts. His Search was continued. He went to the north Vaja Himalayas, there he reached kapalgram. Here a great sage Hertha was living. He was having 28 thousands disciples; He invited Hareetha and all his disciples to Mahisagar sangam kshetra, and gave that place as dana to him.
The king Indradyaumna performed yajna all over the earth. As a result the earth feared that sacted waters may be dried up, by the sacred waters in this place and that collection came to be known as Mahanadi. So when then learnt from samsara Indradyaumna, Naadijangha, Prakarkarna, Gradha, Kashyapa, all these great men came here and took the teeth, and attained salvation.
Kashyapa and Aditi couple had a son by name vajranga, and once he was performing penance. Vajrangi was the wife of vartanga. and once Indra gave a lot of trouble to her. This was not tolerated by vajranga. He wanted to take revenge against him. So through his penance he got a so by name Taaraka. This man also undertook a severe penance and was blessed by Brahma. He gave a boon to him saying that there is no feet or harm by any one who is of more than seven days old. He was very happy to receive this boon. Tanaka defeated all Gods and occupied the throne of Indra. All the gods lost their courage. They were in grief. Hence they met Brahma as to what to do next? HOw to overcome by this trouble? Then Brahma suggested them to arrange a marriage of Shiva and Parvati with the help of manmatha (cupid).
Shiva was not ready to many her as she was black. When she was rejected by Shiva, she under took a great penance and become Gowrie (White colour) and married Shiva. Shiva’s vigour was collected by Agni. A child was born in a bush. Then Shambala took the shakti weapon and went to kill Tarakasur, who was in mahisagar sangam.Kumar swami was welcomed here and was anointed by the water of Mahanadi. the same Mahanadi later called as kumardhara. Skoda did not kill Taraka, as he was great devotee of Shiva. LOrd Vishnu also advised to kill him. Here he lost his life. Baanadaitya a resident of krounch-mountain was also killed.
This was the place where he vowed. Hence to over come the sin, he installed’ prathinjeshwar’ (UmaMaheshwar) here. As a mark of victory he installed kapaleshwar (Bhairava). Lord Brahma also did not lag behind. He installed kumarswami in prominent place. Later gods also prayed and urged to install ‘stambeshwar’ by Subrahmany. Where Taraka was killed. The desire of Gods were fulfilled, and bench they installed ‘Siddheshwar’. (Rudrapadeshwar) here. Kumarswami installed his mother uma, and Ganapati in the same place and decided to stay there forever, since then the place is known as kumareshwara.
“Evam sthapya kumareshm
labdayi ehaitan varaan shivat” |
“Manasa krata krutyam
chatmanam mene shada nana” |
“Tasthavamshena Tatraiva
Kumareshwar sannidha” | |
Once it so happened a grazing lamb fell into the river by accident. This river was not an ordinary river. Because of its power and holiness this lamb born as kumari, the daughter of shatasringa Kumar divided her property into seventy parts and distributed to brothers’ children and for herself she kept the area. Then this place was known as kumareshwar. Lord Shiva advised her to get marry with Mahakal and sought salvation.
With the boon of Esher and assurance of Dharnadeva the kalabheethi, became “siddha here and later gave sermon to king karandham and got salvation.
Further, sage Narada installed here idol of Vasudeva and decided to stay here. The great man Aetheria be cake ‘Siddhipurusa’ and made his permanent place here. On the day of karthik shudda Swadeshi special festivals are taking place. This is to respect Narada and Vasudeva.
Narada also installed here Battadityeshwar (Bhatramata); here on the day of Rathasaptami festivals are running. Till today these are continued.
Jayaditya learnt the importance of this place through Narada. Hence he visited the place and got answers to his questions from an eight year old boy. (kamatha). He remained there as jayadity in the place of Baladithy.
Brahma was passing by this way. It was noon. He had brought sacred water for his bath. Here they worshipped all the Lingas together and named as ‘kotitheertha1. Here you can find ‘Goutameshwar’ founded by great ascetic Gouta,. Hee we con see number of lingas installed by many men on different occasion.
A difference of opinion arisen once, as to which is sacred water among all these. The best was to be chosen. They met Brahma to get answer. Pulasthya announced the prize, who ever come forward to accept the prize.
But no one had a courage to come forward. The deservign quality lies only with Maheesagar sangam teeth. So it stood up and narrated why it si the best among all teeth. So it stood up and narrated why it is the best among all hearths. The essenve of all the holy teeth is flowing in this and subrahmanya also holding the same opinion, and Narada’s Bhoodan had blessed it to the best. Hence this is deserving for the prize.
But lord Yama was displeased by this His reason for his angry was that even the greatest sinners are overcoming, just getting a bath in this teeth. This was the main cause for his angry.
So he expressed his angry passions as it was engaged in self-flattery,. He cursed its superiority should cease. But subrahmany praised its greatness and pulasthya gave a prize to Maheesagar sangam teeth. Now Yama was convinced and blessed. He gave a new name ‘Gupta kshetra sthamba Theertha’.
Gototkaja was a son of Bhima. Once he came to yudhstar’s Royal court in Indra prastha. Yudhistar was not happy over the Gatotkaj’s marriage. Krishna put a proposal to Gatotkaja to get marry with Maurvy the daughter of Mura, who was minister of Narakasura. Accopcrdingly Gatokaja married her and got a son Barbarika. Krishna advised him to worship the deities siddambika, Tara, Bhaskara, yoganandini, Tripura, koaba, Kapaleshi, Ssuvarnaxi, charity, Trailokyhavijaya, Ekavira, Harashidda, chandika, installed by Narada to have the blessings to lead good life As said, Surabaya did and worshipped kumar swami also.
An ascetic called vijaya was performing yaga with the help of Surabaya. Vijaya worshipped kashikatte Ganapati, siddha kshetrapal, and Hosaligamma (Hosagooliyamma) she was from kapalagrama, who came with sage Haritha. They lived there and worshipped Kumarswami and did yoaga, Many demons came there to destroy \the yaga. But suhrudaya killed them all one by one. Mahadeva was a cruel person and he was the chief of shakini Gana, came there in the form of horse, she too was killed, Further suhradaya killed Rakshasa palashi along with his ninecrores sodiers in his cave. Then nags headed by vasuki thanked him for his good act and asked him to pray for the boon. As vijaya is perform ing yagashiddhi, he should achieve Success in his wish. That was his desire. Vijay achieved siddi, and he was known as Maddalena. Asusual, he begam his worship of Gods. He took the Darshan of stambheshwar worshipped by nagakannika.
Once pandavas lived in forest. The were on pilgrimage. Bhimsen wished to take bath in pool and hence entered the pool of Devi. This was worshipped by suhradaya. He asked him not to take bath in the pie but in spite of his wsarning neglecting him he entered the pool. So Suhrndaya got angreed and began to fight with him. He defeated Bhimsen. He wanted to kill him. but mean time Rudra appeared and said that Bhimsen is none else, but Suhruday’s grand father. When he learnt this truth, he was much annoyed. Now Rudra and siddambika appeared before them and blessed and named him as chanil.
The interesting legend of the holy kshertra subramanya is found in the sahyadri khanda of V^he sanatkumar samhita (chapters 113 to 118)