Sarveswara is Sarvamaya who spread all over the world. Though the milk is produced from all parts of the body of a Cow, it is available in its under only. In the same way Sarveswara, though spread allover the world existed in the sacred places to enable the ordinary man to serve him .Sarveswara is Sarvamaya who spread all over the world. Though the milk is produced from all parts of the body of a Cow, it is available in its under only. In the same way Sarveswara, though spread allover the world existed in the sacred places to enable the ordinary man to serve him.
The theme of constructing the temples is to give peace of mind even for a common man. The holy waves spread over all the sides and the whole place becomes bright and calm in the temple. A man with wag and vagrant mind becomes quiet and calm in entering into the temple. It means a place which gives a man peace of mind in entering into it, is sacred place. Worship, prayer, Japa and Dhyana can be made in that place. In addition to that the temple is the center for the Indian Culture. Its architecture is attractive and takes the man to the state of deepest and unbroken silence, such sacred places are innumerable in India.
The Murthy, God or Goddess, in the temple becomes powerful with its establishment by rishies or greatmen like seers and with the recitation of Veda and Mantras of bhakts. There fore it fulfills the desires of bhaktas when worshiped chanting appropriate mantras.It seems that there were no temples where any in the Vedic Period. The human beings got self-realization with the help of the preacher and in course of time these pupils became preachers. And the man who lost his power of Sadhana was unable to get self realisation. As a result he could not find the destination.So rishis encouraged people and rulers to construct temple comparing it with the human body (Kshethra) in the lines of the Vasthu Sastra and established a statue (Kshethrana) in the temple.At first Sadhaka concentrates his aim at the statue. Gradually he gets self-realisation within inner sense. Generally whenever the Bhakta enters any temple he (she) closes his (her) eyes before the idol when he (she) Prostrates. It shows the indefinable power of the idol that stimulates or encourages him (her) to his (her) inner sight to find the real God or Atman. This is the secret in establishing an idol in a temple.So it seems that temples are constructed to lead man to keep his aim at the goal of moksha.It is sure that a temple constructed comparing human body is pure and perfect.The comparison of the temple with a human body is shown in the next pages.