The Diety of Parvathi is famous by name “Kameswari Devi” in this place. It was constructed in the southern side of the temple “Siva“. Many of the devotees helped to construct and improve this temple. Sri Byravajoshula Ramachandraiah and Mahanandaiah were famous among them.
The statue of Kameswari Devi was destroyed by the Mohammadans in their campaign. The tip of the nose and other parts of the statue were removed by the beats of a hammer.
The statue with any single defect of the part of the body is not useful for worship. Mahanandaiah understanding this point, removed the statue of Kameswari Devi and established (stayed) another statue by the black morble probably in 1939A.D. In that programme Sri Bhuma Ramaiah, the author of Andhra Sthalapuranam also participated and rendered his servies. From then onwards Devi is famous as Mandara Vriksha (The tree which fulfills the desires) of the Bhaktas.