It is in 10 kms. away from Mahanadi on the northern side near the village kadamala kala. Another five temples of Siva were built there as same as at Mahanadi. Pilgrims visit there now and then and perform worship.
This temple is the biggest among all the temples of Navanandis. Some Siva Lingas are established on the compound wall in the southern and western sides of the temple.
There are 5 small temples on the northern side of the main temple. Many similarities are found between these temples and those of the small temples at Mahanadi.
Some important charters are in cribbed on the (pillars of the temple. Aswath Vriksha, Neem tree are there on the temple premises.
The Director of the State Archeological department got the scriptures of the 6th century A.D. published that Chalukya king Pulakesi (satyagraha birudankita) got the shrine constructed besides upper dome and the porch (pillared entrance) of the temple. It is an example of the Art of the middle age of Vishnu Kundina and Chalukya Kings.
As the temple is situated by the forest there is very good and peaceful atmosphere which helps the mind to keep in full concentration.