Kashi, Pushpagiri, Kanchi, Nivitaha,A Ompuri, Shrishaila Shri Virupaksha, Seth Kedar Gokarn are famous Salvatory Sun lands. These are famous as Sun lands. There are very famous Salvatory Sun Lands. So Gokarn is combined by trigonal vixtrigonal-land purificatary land and the Sunland. Since a long-period trigonal forms of salvatory recombined here. Therefore there is no doubt that trigonal Gokama is the best of nill purificatary places or lands in India.
Even Shri Shukracharya and others felt the mysterious impact of trigonal Gokama Lord Shankar (creator) told his wife (Parvati) that if they meditate Lord of Gokarn as early in the morning the result is that all forms of sin will be finished only, by express on Lord of Gokarn, many of promised expressions will be come overed.
By meditating the Lord of Gokarn from the bottom of heart or heartily the result is the all forms of sin during span of life time of meditator will vanish. There is no doubt by taking bath at the holy water of Gokama even three-fold forms of sinfulness of the meditators will be perished without fail.
Through Brahma and others committed sin during their lives time, entering once in a life time to trigonal Gokama, the result will be that at once all forms of sin will perish. Dipping billions-time in the holy-water of Gokarn, by having the unique appearance of Lord Mahabala lingam and by listening the sounds trigonal ocean of Gokarn that there is absolute possibility rebirth of the same person Single day of duties (Karma) of person at Gokarn is equal to billions and million time duties in other holy places of India. Gokarn is a nurificatary holy place where the person will feel the heaven and salvation of himself doubtlessly. Therefore ancient sages got success in their Purificateries (Siddhi) since long time. Formaly all sages came here and got their willful purificateries here only.
The godess of the creator said (creator shiva) Magha Vadya Chathurdashi (new moon day of February) (by worshipping at midnight with using bilwapathra (type of leaf) or a single drop of water or Thumb scemted (a kind of flower) by any one of them if any devotee worships the Lord Mahabalalingarathnam gained fruits of Karma (worship) cannot be described even by Brahma. Only a unique gains of Gokarn bilwapathra Mahabala linga during the new moon day of February.
The duties have byon during this specific period the devotee will possess (gain) billions times of fruitication of his Karma (duties).