In the southern part of the courtyard is the Kalyana-mantapa, 80 feet X 36 feet. It is reached by a short flight of steps in the east. There are two rows of nine pillars each in the north and one row of nine pillars in the south. The pillars in the outer row in the north are plain while those in the other two rows have animal brackets. Towards the western end of this mantapa there is a pavilion of black granite containing four pillars, each with three pillarets projecting. These pillars contain a few fine Vaishnava sculptures like those of Narasimha Krishna and Vcnugopala. Behind this pavilion is a small shrine on a finely carved adhistana. Its side walls are decorated with the series pilaster, pilaster, kumbhapanjara, pilaster, sala-koshtha , pilaster, kumbhapanjara and pilaster. There is a false
screen inside the koshtha. The back wall of the shrine is decorated | with the series-pilaster, kumbhapanjara, pilaster, sasla-koshthaj pilaster, kumbhapanjara and pilaster. This Kalyana-mantapa was constructed by a chieftain named Avasaram Chennappa in 1586 A.D. (VI-7).