Many myths mention the use of magic directly. The myth of Bala, an asura (demon), mentioned that he knew and taught ninety-six kinds of magic to trou­ble the devas (divinities). Hanuman was said to practice the eight superhuman powers (ashtha siddhis). The asuras had a life-restoring magic (mritansanjivani) that they had been using in their battles against the devas. It was this magic that necessitated giving the devas amrita, a potion that bestowed immortality, which was churned up from the Milky Ocean. SSilavati was a wife who, by practice of austerities (tapas), was able to cast a spell that prevented the sun from rising.
Many terms are used in the myths for those who practice this art: for exam­ple, mayavi and tapasvini (magician). The logic of ritual and private magic is dis­cussed in chapter 1, “Renunciation, Sacrifice, and Magic.”
See also Bala; Kshirabdhi-mathanam; Maya; Siddhi; Tapas For further reading:
Lee Siegel, Net of Magic: Wonders and Deceptions in India (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991); Jan Gonda, Change and Continuity in Indian Religion (The Hague: Mouton, 1965); Paul D. Devanandan, The Concept of Maya: An Essay in Historical Survey of the Hindu Theory of the World, with Special Reference to the Vedanta (London: YMCA Publishing House, 1954); Teun Goudriaan, Maya Divine and Human (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1978).

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